
🌏 WINNERS of the BRICS Business Incubator: China

🌏 WINNERS of the BRICS Business Incubator: China

Dear friends, we are pleased to announce that the Chinese Expert Council has already identified five BRICS Business Incubator winners from China who will participate in the full-time Business Incubator program in Omsk!

The winners of the program from China are:

🏆 Bo Liu (Youth Startup Fair)

🏆 Chen Xiaodong (Hainan Shenyuan Trading, leading importer company in China)

🏆 Qiao Kangqi (Remote Immersive Interaction System)

Congratulations to the winners from China and best wishes for productive work at the online and full-time program of the Business Incubator in Omsk!

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#КомандаЛМС #ЛМСРоссии #ЛМС
2023-07-06 22:51